Saturday, February 21, 2009

Brides & Grooms: How to Get a Wedding Video You Will Treasure

Your wedding day will be a wonderful experience, one that you will enjoy and treasure its memories. No matter how good the still photographs are, nothing will be guaranteed to recapture those memories better than a well-crafted video. It is worth taking the time beforehand to select a videographer capable of producing a video that will capture your wedding in such a way that you will be able to relive those precious memories for the rest of your lives.

Points to consider

You will need to be confident on the day of the wedding that your videographer is skilled at camerawork, will be able to communicate with you and your guests to ensure he can work efficiently, yet unobtrusively, and that he will record sound cleanly and clearly. He must be methodical, capturing not just the wedding, but the preparations (bride dressing, arrivals at church) and also the events following such as the reception, speeches and dancing. However that is just one facet of his work. A larger, unseen part of his work will be his subsequent editing of the final video and his skill at transfer to DVD; the quality of the final wedding DVD is wholly dependent on how carefully the video is prepared (transcoded) for transfer to DVD.

It is not difficult to operate a modern video camera. However to get impeccable results, that can be smoothly and seamlessly edited into a pleasing wedding video, does take considerable skill. Once your important day has passed there will be no second chance to get a better record, which is why it is vital that you make an informed choice of videographer. Unfortunately the wedding video field does have its share of ‘cowboys’, relative beginners, happy to charge a large fee for what may turn out to be an embarrassingly poor end result. This article will help guide you past the pitfalls, to ensure that your video has the emotional impact of your wedding, and for all the right reasons!

Pointers to getting a perfect wedding video

• Find a videographer who has had considerable experience in this genre –
ofind out how long have they been making wedding videos.

• Ask to see several examples of their work –

oit is important to be able to view one, or more than one, relatively recent video, all the way through. A show reel of the ‘best bits’ will not demonstrate consistent quality – only a full video will be able to reassure you.

• Find out how many cameras will be used on the day of the wedding.

oSome elements of the wedding day fall into a set pattern, but much of what happens is spontaneous, and it is virtually impossible to capture the unexpected using a single camera. Professional videographers will use a second camera and maybe even three. This not only enables a variety of angles to be captured, guaranteeing a more pleasing end result, but is also an insurance against a camera malfunction.

• Will a radio microphone (or more than one) be used?

oClear sound means getting the microphone close to the ‘action’ i.e. close to the wedding ceremony. Modern radio microphones are small and unobtrusive, yet are capable of delivering broadcast quality. Be very very wary of a videographer who intends to rely solely on the ‘onboard’ camcorder microphone, you will almost certainly be disappointed by the sound in the final video!

• How much will hiring the videographer cost?

oYou will have obtained quotes from your short listed group of videography companies – when you ask for the quote, find out how many DVDs will be included in this price, and also check how much it will cost to get further duplicate DVDs made in the future. Having viewed examples from your various videographers, the advice here is to budget for the best you can afford. It will not be cheap – if the cost sounds too good to be true then it very probably is! Bear in mind that you’ll be paying for one or two skilled cameramen on the wedding day itself, and then several further days of skilled editing time. Editing is a highly complex craft that can turn good video footage into a breathtakingly wonderful end result.

• Ask for references: Ask each of your prospective videographers to provide you with phone numbers for three or four recent clients for whom they have made wedding videos.

oReputable videographers will be delighted to provide such references, and their clients will be equally keen to share their experiences with you.

• Image quality: Over the past few years broadcast TV quality has improved dramatically, with high definition widescreen TV rapidly becoming the ‘norm’.

o We recommend you check with your prospective videographer that they will be recording in widescreen, high definition format – the images will be sharper and the colours more vibrant. Importantly this will ‘future proof’ your wedding video – shot on this format it will still look good long into the future, whereas ‘standard definition’ video will not age anywhere near as well, the results in comparison disappointingly wooly.

Having done your homework in your choice of videographer you will be able to relive your wedding day memories far into the future! We hope your wedding is a thoroughly enjoyable experience and wish you a long and happy future together!

Author : Joseph Cozens

How a Casino Hire Can Make Your Wedding Reception Spectacular

Wedding receptions come in many different sizes, styles and prices. Most individuals who are planning their wedding want a wedding reception which will impress guests and just be a fun time overall. There are many inclusions which will make your reception entertaining and fun however none are as unique as a casino hire. Using a fun casino hire for your wedding reception will make your event simply spectacular for a few different reasons. Some of the wonderful reasons to obtain a fun casino hire for your reception will be listed below.

A Fun Casino Hire Provides a Unique Atmosphere to Your Wedding Reception

Using a fun casino hire for your nuptial reception is a unique route to take. Those who have been to weddings before usually know what they have in store with regard to the reception which often includes dancing, dining and drinks. Although all of these things are fun, a casino hire will make the event even that much more memorable. When all of the traditional dances and dining is complete, the guests can take part in a fun casino game or two. This is a way to turn what would be an ordinary yet nice wedding into a spectacular wedding reception which many will remember for years to come, simply by adding a fun casino to the reception.

Casino Hire Offers Many Different Games to Appeal to Varied Tastes

In addition, your fun casino inclusion at your wedding reception will feature a variety of casino games to delight your guests. Some of the fun casino games which may be featured at the gathering include blackjack, roulette, craps, tumbling dice, Wheel of Fortune, cards of fortune, 5-card stud poker, Texas hold 'em and poker dice. Whether your guests enjoy card games, dice games or other games of chance, they are sure to love the fun casino games provided.

Fun Casino Hire Brings Everything Game-Oriented To You

With a fun casino event, the casino hire will provide all of the game equipment including tables, chips and games. The fun casino will also include all of the croupiers to staff the fun casino games. This way when the engaged couple is trying to plan their fun casino event to have during the reception, they won't have to think of brining anything extra to the reception as all items will be provided by the casino hire. By selecting a fun casino hire, this makes the entertainment planning portion a snap for the couple who undoubtedly has plenty of other things on their mind with regard to wedding reception planning.

A Fun Casino Offers Guests a Chance to Win Prizes

Not only will a fun casino provide guests with a way to entertain themselves during the wedding reception but it will also give the individuals a chance to win fun casino prizes. Most individuals love prizes and gifts and this is part of the reason why married couples present wedding reception party favors for guests to take home. In addition to these party favors, the couple can offer guests the chance to win great prizes upon cashing in their fun casino chips.

Casino Hire Can Be Reserved For Various Times During the Reception

A concern some engaged individuals may have when considering a fun casino hire for their wedding reception is when to fit the gaming into the reception. They may worry about the fun casino overshadowing all of the other portions of their reception. The good news is that a casino hire can be used for certain parts of the reception time. For example, using the fun casino during cocktail hour when the wedding party hasn't even arrived yet is a great idea or the casino hire can be reserved for the period of time after the dinner and dancing has ceased. For the couple who worries about this issue, you can rest easy knowing that your casino hire will work with you to prepare an unforgettable evening for all parties involved.

A Fun Casino Hire Is the Perfect Accompaniment to a Theme Wedding

More and more individuals are having theme wedding receptions these days. Although the exchange of vows may be traditional, the wedding reception may have a theme so as to present a fun time for all. One of the themes which some engaged couples are choosing for their wedding reception is a Monte Carlo theme. With this type of wedding reception, the perfect accompaniment is a fun casino hire. A casino hire will provide games for the wedding party and guests to enjoy and truly bring out that Monte Carlo flair. In addition to the casino hire, the guests can be asked to dress in Monte Carlo inspired attire and the wedding reception can have a Monte Carlo theme ranging anywhere from Monte Carlo-inspired food to Monte Carlo style music.

Reserve Your Fun Casino Hire Today

As you can see from the aforementioned information regarding what a fun casino hire could do for your wedding reception, you will most likely be strongly considering obtaining a casino hire for your special day. When perusing the options, make sure that you consider what type of fun casino you want and target those casino hire options in your search.

Author : Andrew Else

Wedding Videography: How to Make Homemade Wedding Videos

Have you ever joined a wedding celebration? If you have, then definitely you will agree that this occasion has many wonderful memories. The venue is spectacular, almost dreamy. The food is great. The ceremony is solemn. The reception is a blast. The messages for the newly weds are very warm and touching. The kiss, the dance, the exchanging of vows and the act of marriage itself is very romantic. All these things are worth keeping for, worth remembering and worth documenting.

People nowadays have various ways to keep these memories alive. One is through photos. Second is by remembering. Third is through videos. Among all three, the magic of video has given a different level of making wedding celebration alive, may it be years from now. If you have not hired a professional to do this for you on your wedding day, then you can have someone from the family do it for you with a simple use of camcorder.

A camcorder will do if you do not intend to hire a service to cover your wedding. Although it is a fact that videographers have high-tech devices nowadays, but if you cannot afford it, you have your wedding videography done in a traditional way. Any members of the family can do it for you just as long as your equipment can capture a minimum of 30 frames per second.

Once everything is finished, you can actually edit it and add background music or captions to the videos. However, first things first: you have to have a port on your computer to allow you to transfer these files. These ports will allow cable connectors for your camcorders to be attached to the pc so that your computer can recognize the device. If it is a USB connector, then that should not be a problem. However, certain camcorders might require a special video card to be recognized.

The next thing to do is to ensure that you have the installer for your camcorder. This will allow your pc to communicate with your device. They are usually called drivers. If it is not installed in your pc, your pc will automatically request for it once it has been recognized by the system. After being installed, you are ready for transferring files.

However, your video outputs may not be as wonderful as professionals do it. Most of them are equipped with software built for editing videos. If you want to have this edge then make sure you have a software that allows you to add music, effects and texts to your home-made wedding videography. You can edit it on your own if you think you are well versed when it comes to computer software. Just one more thing, make sure that this software is workable with the type of format your videos have.

Once you have finished doing the editing, you can save it on your hard drive for future viewing. You can do this if you have a lot of space in your computer. You can also save it in CDs or DVDs but just remember it becomes playable in the kind of players that you have at home.


Do not fret if you have not hired a professional videographer to do the job for you. If you have a personal camcorder and someone who knows how to operate it, you are good to go. However, if you want more for your videos get a software and edit them to make them more exciting.

Author : Juhlin Youlein

Why Do You Give Groomsmen Gifts Anyway?

Why Give Your Groomsmen the Seemingly-perfect Gifts?

A wedding is a collaborative effort done by many people often related to either the groom or bride. The affair is one celebration wherein attendants include relatives and family members, closest friends and important peers. And one of these people is the groomsmen whose foremost role would be to support the groom in ways they can. In turn, the groom normally shows his gratitude by means of presents, gifts which are not only unique but are created specially for them.

So why really bother to give your groomsmen the seemingly perfect gift? To think that you have a lot of things going like preparations or last minute pre-wedding details? Undeniably, a wedding is a wedding and planning is always the key. Whether you admit it or not, planning and finding the most suitable gift for your groomsmen is also one of them. Here are just some of the reasons why groomsmen and gifts go hand in hand:

First, the gifts act as your ultimate thank you card. Picture this- your wedding is fast approaching and you have lots of dealings to finish. You cannot really depend on yourself alone and therefore needs help. You turn to your family and friends for assistance and support. The groomsmen, being the ones closest to you provide the much needed help. So another good way of thanking them is through gifts and presents.

Second, your groomsmen are significant people in your life. As mentioned, they are the ones who are willing to share their effort and time just to make you happy on your grand day. Some of them are even willing to financially invest ensuring the best surprises for the groom. These gifts are undeniably a valuable token that you can leave with them as a parting gift from you. Being a groomsman is definitely a role that a person wholeheartedly plays, knowing that a grooms choices are valuable people as well. Let us say, these groomsmen gifts go beyond appreciation but relations of true friendships.

Third, groomsmen and their respective gifts are also reflections of their taste. Since you very well know their importance more so their role in your wedding, choosing the nicest things available as gifts could also mean letting them know how you truly appreciate and know them. Remind yourself that your groomsmen are also great buddies, college or even high school friends. The gifts that you want to really share must be the ones that they end up liking. It could reveal their preference or personal favorites or something that will remind them of happy memories. In the long run, these gifts could also make them think of you as a groom to remember, a confidante and a good friend. And do not forget that it matter how much. So the next time you are in the market for groomsmen gifts, keep in mind that it is not how much your spend on your wedding party itself. But rather the thoughts and ideas that you put into the gift that really matters.

Author : Claire Remes